Who We Are
For 17 years we have been serving with love.
Ante Holding is a management center responsible for coordinating the activities of jewelry, watches, tourism, food and beverage, transportation, construction, as well as determining the vision and strategies of the group.
Ante Holding has set a target of 600 employees in the next 3 years and a central management staff of 50 people to manage the services provided in different sectors.
The foundations of Ante Holding were laid in Gaziantep in 1970 with the İpekyolu Jewelry brand.
In 1995, the company headquarters moved to Istanbul. In 2000, by creating different brands serving in the field of jewelry, the company opened a 3,200 square meter
We opened our Jewelry Showroom store. With all these brands, we produce in 8 countries and continue our commercial activities in 96 countries.
In 2011, we opened our first hotel in Istanbul Historical Peninsula with our Sura Design brand in the Accommodation and Tourism sector.
In 2014, we opened our second hotel with Sura Hagia Sophia brand due to the qualified service we provide in the tourism sector.
In 2016, we became an investor in the Taxi-co brand, which serves in the transportation sector in Russia, with the investment partnership model.
Antevision represents our four values that unite us under one roof, with one common goal. It promises our shareholders, employees, customers and society the wonderful world they aspire to be in. This world is a new life that is fulfilled in all four aspects! In other words, it is catharsis.
Catharsis is an ecstatic catharsis focused on a single goal, experienced through the harmonic unity of emotions as well as thoughts and actions. Another name for it is “The Joy of Labor”.